Download MercyMe Coming up to Breathe Full Album

Album Artist: MercyMe

Album Title: Coming up to Breathe Full Album

Released Year: 2006

Country: America

Category: Gospel Albums and EPs

Number of Tracks: 13 Tracks

MercyMe’s album “Coming Up to Breathe” offers a collection of 13 tracks that span 58 minutes of inspirational Christian music. Released in 2006, this album showcases the band’s ability to deliver heartfelt and spiritually uplifting songs that resonate with listeners from all walks of life.

While specific details about the album’s individual tracks and song titles are not provided, “Coming Up to Breathe” as a whole likely continues MercyMe’s tradition of creating music that speaks to the soul and encourages faith, hope, and reflection. As with their previous works, this album likely contains messages of love, grace, and the transformative power of faith.

For those seeking Christian music that provides a sense of spiritual renewal and refreshment, “Coming Up to Breathe” by MercyMe is a noteworthy addition to their discography. Its collection of tracks likely offers a diverse range of themes and emotions, all tied together by the band’s unwavering commitment to delivering music that uplifts and inspires.

List of Tracks in “Coming up to Breathe” Album By MercyMe

  1.  Coming up to Breathe
  2. So Long Self
  3. Hold Fast
  4. Something About You
  5. You’re to Blame
  6. No More No Less
  7. Where I Belong
  8. Bring the Rain
  9. Last One Standing
  10. One Trick Pony
  11. 3: 42 Am (Writer’s Block)
  12. Safe and Sound
  13. I Would Die for You