Download Pat Barrett Shelter Full Album

Album Artist: Pat Barrett

Album Title: Shelter Full Album

Released Year: 2023

Country: America

Category: Gospel Albums and EPs

Number of Tracks: 15 Tracks

Pat Barrett’s album “Shelter” is a notable addition to the Christian music scene, offering listeners a profound and spiritually enriching experience. With a duration of 50 minutes and a total of 15 tracks, the album is a substantial body of work that reflects Pat Barrett’s dedication to creating music that resonates with the hearts of believers.

Released in 2023, “Shelter” is a testament to Pat Barrett’s continued influence in the Christian music genre. The album serves as a place of refuge and inspiration, providing a sanctuary for those seeking spiritual solace and a deeper connection with their faith. Pat Barrett’s music consistently carries themes of worship, devotion, and surrender, and “Shelter” is no exception.

As Pat Barrett’s career evolves, he continues to be a prominent figure in contemporary Christian music, known for his soulful and heartfelt approach to songwriting and worship. “Shelter” is a testament to his ongoing commitment to providing a musical space where believers can draw closer to their faith and find shelter in the presence of the Divine.

List of Tracks in “Shelter” Album By Pat Barrett

  1. Better Hands
  2. Every Good Thing
  3. Shelter
  4. Beautiful Life
  5. Praise Him!
  6. How We Remember
  7. Scatter
  8. No Body
  9. Hopes For You
  10. Seen Known Loved
  11. Sing Soul Sing
  12. You Know What I Need