Download Josh Baldwin Where The Glory Is Full Album

Album Artist: Josh Baldwin

Album Title: Where The Glory Is Full Album

Released Year: 2022

Country: America

Category: Gospel Albums and EPs

Number of Tracks: 11 Tracks

Josh Baldwin’s album “Where The Glory Is,” released in 2022, offers a collection of Christian tracks that span across 11 songs. With a total duration of 46 minutes, the album carries listeners through a musical journey of worship and introspection. Each track within “Where The Glory Is” is a testament to Josh Baldwin’s talent for crafting meaningful melodies that resonate with his audience’s spiritual experiences.

“Where The Glory Is,” the album by Josh Baldwin, showcases his prowess as a Christian artist. Released in 2022, this compilation of 11 tracks encompasses a 46-minute musical voyage. Through the power of music, Baldwin’s album touches hearts and souls, inviting listeners to reflect on their faith and connection to the divine.

Josh Baldwin’s album “Where The Glory Is,” introduced in 2022, presents a treasure trove of Christian melodies. With 11 tracks in total and a runtime of 46 minutes, the album encapsulates Baldwin’s dedication to creating music that inspires and uplifts. Each song within the collection adds a unique layer to the spiritual experience, making “Where The Glory Is” a harmonious journey for listeners.

List of Tracks in “Where The Glory Is” Album By Josh Baldwin

  1.  There Is Freedom
  2. Resurrection Day
  3. Where The Glory Is
  4. Narrow Road
  5. Every Hour
  6. Still Standing (feat. Patrick Mayberry)
  7. The Power Of His Love
  8. I See The Light
  9. Fresh Fire Fresh Wind
  10. Keep Me Burning
  11. Our Father