Download Newsboys Step Up to the Microphone Full Album

Album Artist: Newsboys

Album Title: Step Up to the Microphone Full Album

Released Year: 1998

Country: Australia

Category: Gospel Albums and EPs

Number of Tracks: 11 Tracks

“Step Up to the Microphone” is the title track from the Newsboys’ 1998 album of the same name. This Christian rock album consists of 11 tracks and runs for a total duration of 42 minutes. The album is a testament to the band’s ability to craft music that delivers a strong spiritual message and musical artistry.

The song “Step Up to the Microphone” is a call to action, encouraging individuals to share their faith boldly and confidently. It’s a reflection of the band’s commitment to spreading the message of Christianity through their music. The album as a whole offers a rich and diverse musical experience that speaks to the heart of their Christian audience.

Released in 1998, “Step Up to the Microphone” serves as a cornerstone in the Newsboys’ discography. With its blend of rock and Christian themes, the album continues to inspire and uplift listeners, underscoring the band’s enduring presence in the Christian music genre and their ability to convey messages of faith through their music.

List of Tracks in “Step Up to the Microphone” Album By Newsboys

  1.  Whoohoo
  2. Step Up to the Microphone
  3. Entertaining Angels
  4. Believe
  5. Tuning In
  6. Truth Be Known – Everybody Gets a Shot
  7. Deep End
  8. Hallelujah
  9. The Tide
  10. Always