Download Newsboys Restart Full Album

Album Artist: Newsboys

Album Title: Restart Full Album

Released Year: 2014

Country: Australia

Category: Gospel Albums and EPs

Number of Tracks: 17 Tracks

Newsboys’ 2014 album “Restart” is a monumental release in the Christian music genre, boasting a substantial 17 tracks that collectively span an hour and one minute. This extensive album is a testament to the band’s dedication to delivering an array of faith-inspiring and musically diverse content.

While the song title is not specified, the “Restart” album is sure to encompass a range of musical styles and lyrical themes that are characteristic of Newsboys’ signature sound. With their years of experience in creating uplifting and spiritually resonant music, the band has undoubtedly crafted a collection of songs that can be a source of solace, inspiration, and celebration for their devoted listeners.

“Restart” is a remarkable musical journey that showcases Newsboys’ commitment to the Christian music genre and their ability to continually evolve and adapt to create music that speaks to the hearts and souls of their audience. The album’s extensive duration promises an immersive experience that allows listeners to embark on a spiritual and emotional voyage, guided by the band’s melodic and lyrical expertise.

List of Tracks in “Restart ” Album By Newsboys

  1. That’s How You Change the World
  2. Restart
  3. Love Like I Mean It
  4. Live With Abandon
  5. Go Glow
  6. That Home
  7. Disaster
  8. Fishers of Men
  9. One Word
  10. Enemy
  11. We Believe
  12. Overflow
  13. Man On Fire (feat. Kevin Max)
  14. God Is Movin’
  15. The Living Years (feat. Kevin Max)
  16. Stronger
  17. God’s Not Dead (Like a Lion) [Live]