Download Newsboys Love Riot Full Album

Album Artist: Newsboys

Album Title: Love Riot Full Album

Released Year: 2016

Country: Australia

Category: Gospel Albums and EPs

Number of Tracks: 10 Tracks

Newsboys’ album “Love Riot,” released in 2016, features a collection of 10 tracks that encapsulate the band’s signature Christian rock sound. With a total duration of 37 minutes, this album is a testament to the band’s enduring presence in the contemporary Christian music scene. While the song title isn’t provided, the “Love Riot” album undoubtedly reflects the band’s commitment to sharing their faith and spiritual journey through music, which has been a hallmark of their career.

“Love Riot,” with its 10 tracks, offers a captivating blend of energetic rhythms and spiritually uplifting lyrics. The band’s ability to craft music that resonates with audiences seeking both musical and spiritual inspiration shines through in this album. Newsboys’ enduring popularity in the Christian music genre is further solidified by their ability to create music that encourages introspection and spiritual growth.

In “Love Riot,” spanning 37 minutes, Newsboys continue to demonstrate their dedication to inspiring and uplifting their listeners. While the specific song title is not provided, it’s clear that this album is another jewel in their discography. The brevity of the album doesn’t diminish its impact; rather, it exemplifies the band’s skill in delivering meaningful messages in a concise format. This release from 2016 is another testament to Newsboys’ unwavering commitment to creating music that touches the hearts of their audience and reinforces their enduring faith.

List of Tracks in “Love Riot” Album By Newsboys

  1. Crazy
  2. Hero
  3. Love Riot
  4. Guilty
  5. You Hold It All (Every Mountain)
  6. No Longer Slaves
  7. Family of God
  8. Committed
  9. Earthquake
  10. What I Want Them to Say