Download Nathaniel Bassey Names of God Full Album

Album Artist: Nathaniel Bassey

Album Title: Names of God Full Album

Released Year: 2022

Country: Nigeria

Category: Gospel Albums and EPs

Number of Tracks: 15 Tracks

Download Nathaniel Bassey’s Names of God Album: Award-winning Nigerian gospel music pastor, Nathaniel Bassey dished out this scintillating project labeled “Names of God” for the people to listen and be blesed. The fifteen-track album featured was released in the year 2022.

Nathaniel Bassey: A renowned gospel artist, trumpeter, and worship leader, Nathaniel Bassey has been blessing the world with his melodious tunes and heartfelt worship for years. He is best known for his signature sound that combines contemporary gospel with elements of traditional African rhythms.

“Names of God” is a 15-track album released in 2022, and it’s nothing short of a spiritual journey. Each track is a celebration of the various names and attributes of God, exploring His multifaceted nature and the depth of His love for humanity.

The album is a testament to the power of music to convey profound spiritual truths. It encapsulates the essence of worship, revelation, and divine connection. Each track is a heartfelt expression of reverence and gratitude to the Almighty.

If you haven’t experienced the transformative power of “Names of God” yet, it’s time to immerse yourself in Nathaniel Bassey’s melodic offerings. This album is not just a collection of songs; it’s a sacred journey into the heart of worship, reminding us of the depth and richness found in the names of God.

Track List: Names of God by Nathaniel Bassey

  1. Yeshua Hamashiach (Overture)
  2. Ruach Elohim
  3. Lift up Your Heads (Pslam 24)
  4. See What the Lord Has Done
  5. Like a Symphony (Live)
  6. Adonai
  7. Worthy Is the Lamb (Hallelujah Challenge Praise Medley 2)
  8. Worship Medley Interlude
  9. Elshaddai Adonai
  10. Exalted
  11. You Are Here
  12. The Lord Is My Light (Psalm 27)
  13. Ndum (My Life)
  14. Jesus (Live)
  15. Adonai (Trumpet Version)