Download Vertical Worship The Rock Wont Move Full Album

Album Artist: Vertical Worship

Album Title: The Rock Wont Move Full Album

Released Year: 2013

Country: America

Category: Gospel Albums and EPs

Number of Tracks: 10 Tracks

Vertical Worship’s album “The Rock Won’t Move” is a testament to their dedication to Christian music. With a duration of 50 minutes, this album features 10 tracks that beautifully encapsulate the essence of faith and devotion. Released in 2013, “The Rock Won’t Move” has continued to inspire and uplift listeners with its powerful gospel messages.

While the song title isn’t specified, the album as a whole stands as a testament to the enduring power of gospel music. The 10 tracks within “The Rock Won’t Move” offer a rich tapestry of messages and melodies that inspire faith, worship, and devotion. Each track in the album provides a unique perspective on Christian faith, emphasizing the unchanging nature of God as the unmovable rock in the lives of believers.

Vertical Worship’s commitment to creating music that resonates with the Christian community is evident in “The Rock Won’t Move.” The album serves as a reminder of the enduring power of faith and the steadfastness of God. It provides a source of spiritual inspiration and a heartfelt declaration of God’s unwavering presence in the lives of their audience.

List of Tracks in “The Rock Won’t Move ” Album By Vertical Worship

  1. Found in You
  2. I’m Going Free (Jailbreak)
  3. The Rock Won’t Move
  4. Worthy, Worthy
  5. I Will Follow
  6. Strong to Save
  7. Call on the Name
  8. Strong God
  9. Only Jesus Can
  10. He Has Won