Download Eben Paskoù hir ar chemener (Polka Plinn)

Artist: Eben

Track Title: Paskoù hir ar chemener (Polka Plinn)

Genre: Gospel; Christian

Recorded: 2020

Album Name: Eben (10 Tracks)

Country: Nigeria

Category: Gospel Songs

Eben’s self-titled album, released in 2020, features a diverse collection of Christian songs, each carrying a unique message and musical style. One notable track from this album is “Paskoù hir ar c’hemener (Polka Plinn),” a captivating piece that stands out for its distinctive blend of Christian themes and the Polka Plinn genre. The song’s duration of 3 minutes and 48 seconds allows listeners to immerse themselves in a brief yet enriching musical experience. Eben, known for his impactful contributions to gospel music, showcases his versatility and creativity in this album, creating an atmosphere of spiritual reflection and celebration.

The inclusion of “Paskoù hir ar c’hemener” in Eben’s album adds a dynamic layer to the overall listening experience. The Polka Plinn genre, known for its lively and rhythmic characteristics, provides a unique backdrop for the Christian message embedded in the lyrics. As the tenth track on the album, it serves as a fitting conclusion, leaving a lasting impression on the audience. The 2020 release of this album further solidifies Eben’s commitment to delivering soul-stirring gospel music that resonates with listeners across various musical preferences.

In “Paskoù hir ar c’hemener,” Eben masterfully weaves together elements of Christian spirituality and the Polka Plinn genre, creating a musical fusion that is both refreshing and spiritually uplifting. The song’s duration of 3:48 minutes ensures a concise yet impactful listening experience, making it a standout track in Eben’s album. Released in 2020, this album represents a significant chapter in Eben’s musical journey, showcasing his dedication to bringing a diverse range of Christian songs to the forefront of gospel music enthusiasts’ playlists.

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Video: Eben – Paskoù hir ar c’hemener (Polka Plinn)

Paskoù hir ar c’hemener (Polka Plinn) Lyrics By Eben