Download We Are Messengers Honest Full Album

Album Artist: We Are Messengers

Album Title: Honest Full Album

Released Year: 2019

Country: America

Category: Gospel Albums and EPs

Number of Tracks: 6 Tracks

In 2019, the Christian music scene welcomed We Are Messengers’ album “Honest,” a collection of nine tracks that encompassed a total duration of 22 minutes. While specific song titles weren’t provided, this album served as another testament to the band’s commitment to delivering authentic and spiritually resonant music to their listeners.

“Honest” as a whole represents We Are Messengers’ dedication to sharing transparent and heartfelt messages of faith. The band’s ability to craft songs that speak to the human experience and the journey of spirituality was once again evident in this release. Each track within the album offered a unique perspective on honesty, vulnerability, and the profound impact of faith, making it a meaningful addition to their discography.

With “Honest,” We Are Messengers continued to solidify their place in the Christian music genre, offering listeners a compelling musical experience that encourages introspection, faith, and a deeper connection to their spiritual beliefs. While specific song titles may vary, the overarching theme of authenticity and sincerity remains a constant in the band’s work.

List of Total Tracks in “Honest” Album By We Are Messengers

  1. Honest
  2. Abide
  3. Maybe It’s Ok
  4. The Devil Is a Liar
  5. Wolves
  6. Gold and Glory